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Bloodseeker Bat

Level 59 - 60 Bat from Zul'Gurub

Available Spells:











Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS: Arcane Resistance: Fire Resistance: Frost Resistance: Nature Resistance: Shadow Resistance:

Before Taming:

59 - 60 Non-Elite Special Pet!Special Pet Bat Zul'Gurub
5243 - 5355 3791 239 - 335 1.00 287.00 15 15 15 15 15

After Taming:

          2961 - 3052 3708 - 4014 47 - 62 1.00 54.50 0 0 0 0 0

Level 60:

          3052 4014 48 - 62 1.00 55.00          
The Bloodseeker Bat is known for his fast attackspeed. The only other pet with an attackspeed of 1.0 is Broken Tooth from Badlands. Although they attack both very quickly and make caster's life in PVP miserable, they are not the best damage dealers.
See Pet Rankings for reference.

Attackspeed was normalized during The Burning Crusade. Which means that Brooken Tooth and Bloodseeker Bat both keep their 1.0 attackspeed. This is not being fixed in 1.9, where Lupos, Snarler, Old Cliff Jumper,... were fixed.
Skills when tamed:

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
1 - 2Duskbat Tirisfal Glades2.0noneYes
3 - 4Mangy Duskbat Tirisfal Glades2.0noneYes
6 - 7Greater Duskbat Tirisfal Glades2.0Cower 1Yes
50 - 52Dark Screecher Blackrock Depths No
59 - 60Bloodseeker Bat Special Pet!Zul'Gurub1.0noneYes