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Level 23 Wolf from Duskwood

Available Spells:



Furious Howl






Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS: Arcane Resistance: Fire Resistance: Frost Resistance: Nature Resistance: Shadow Resistance:

Before Taming:

23 Rare Special Pet!Special Pet Wolf Duskwood
616 957 30 - 37 2.00 17.00 80 80 80 80 80

After Taming:

          605 1051 34 - 44 2.00 19.50 0 0 0 0 0

Level 60:

          3052 4204 90 - 115 2.00 51.25          
Before Patch 1.9 Lupos dealt Shadow damage instead of physical damage. Because of that. his attacks ignored players and bosses armor. Back then very few bosses (and players) had shadow resist. making Lupos the strongest pet for a period of time.
Skills when tamed:
Bite Rank 3
35 Focus 5 yd range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Requires level 16
Bite the enemy, causing 24 to 28 damage.

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
10Timber Dun Morogh2.0Bite 2Yes
23Lupos Special Pet!Duskwood2.0Bite 3Yes
49Death Howl Felwood1.2Bite 6, Furious Howl 3Yes
50 - 51Frostwolf Alterac Valley1.4noneYes