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Young Lashtail Raptor

Level 33 - 34 Raptor from Stranglethorn Vale

Available Spells:








Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS:

Before Taming:

33 - 34 Non-Elite Pet Raptor Stranglethorn Vale
1050 - 1256 1321 58 - 73 2.00 33.00

After Taming:

          1110 - 1163 1429 - 1467 54 - 72 2.00 31.50

Level 60:

          2899 4128 99 - 126 2.00 56.25
Skills when tamed:

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
6 - 8Bloodtalon Taillasher Durotar2.0noneYes
8 - 10Bloodtalon Scythemaw Durotar2.0noneYes
19Ishamuhale The Barrens No
33 - 34Young Lashtail Raptor Stranglethorn Vale2.0noneYes
35 - 36Bloodfen Raptor Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes
36 - 37Bloodfen Screecher Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes
37 - 38Bloodfen Scytheclaw Dustwallow Marsh No
39 - 40Bloodfen Razormaw Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes
40 - 41Bloodfen Lashtail Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes
60Razzashi Raptor Zul'Gurub2.0noneYes