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I'm currently leveling a hunter and will verify all pets once I'm 60. Until then: expect some bugs. Feel free to report them.

Green Recluse

Level 21 - 22 Spider from Duskwood

Available Spells:







Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS:

Before Taming:

21 - 22 Non-Elite Pet Spider Duskwood
530 - 571 905 31 - 39 2.00 18.00

After Taming:

          521 - 562 975 - 1012 33 - 35 2.00 17.00

Level 60:

          3052 4014 96 - 123 2.00 54.75
Skills when tamed:
Bite Rank 3
35 Focus 5 yd range
Instant 10 sec cooldown
Requires level 16
Bite the enemy, causing 24 to 28 damage.

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
10Mother Fang Elwynn Forest2.0Bite 2Yes
14Deepmoss Hatchling Special Pet!Stonetalon Mountains No
21 - 22Green Recluse Duskwood2.0Bite 3Yes
25 - 26Carrion Recluse Duskwood2.0noneYes
35 - 36Darkmist Spider Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes
38 - 39Darkmist Silkspinner Dustwallow Marsh2.0noneYes