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I'm currently leveling a hunter and will verify all pets once I'm 60. Until then: expect some bugs. Feel free to report them.

Deviate Stinglash

Level 16 - 17 Windserpent from The Wailing Caverns

Available Spells:





Lightning Breath






Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS: Arcane Resistance: Fire Resistance: Frost Resistance: Nature Resistance: Shadow Resistance:

Before Taming:

16 - 17 Elite Pet Windserpent The Wailing Caverns
1050 - 1148 731 31 - 40 2.00 18.00 2 2 2 2 2

After Taming:

          356 - 386 787 - 824 25 - 35 2.00 15.00 0 0 0 0 0

Level 60:

          3052 4014 96 - 123 2.00 54.75          
Skills when tamed:
Lightning Breath Rank 2
50 Focus 20 yd range
Requires level 12
Breathes lightning, instantly dealing 21 to 24 Nature damage to a single target.

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
16 - 17Deviate Stinglash The Wailing Caverns2.0Lightning Breath 2Yes
20 - 21Deviate Venomwing The Wailing Caverns2.0Lightning Breath 2Yes
26 - 28Venomous Cloud Serpent Thousand Needles2.0Lightning Breath 3Yes
35 - 36Noxious Flayer Dustwallow Marsh2.0Dive 1Yes
37 - 38Noxious Reaver Dustwallow Marsh2.0Dive 1, Lightning Breath 4Yes
38 - 39Noxious Shredder Dustwallow Marsh2.0Dive 1, Lightning Breath 4Yes