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I'm currently leveling a hunter and will verify all pets once I'm 60. Until then: expect some bugs. Feel free to report them.

Starving Mountain Lion

Level 23 - 24 Cat from Hillsbrad Foothills

Available Spells:











Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS:

Before Taming:

23 - 24 Non-Elite Pet Cat Hillsbrad Foothills
632 - 686 975 20 - 25 1.20 19.00

After Taming:

          605 - 651 1051 - 1088 22 - 31 1.20 22.08

Level 60:

          2990 4014 59 - 76 1.20 56.25
Skills when tamed:
Cower Rank 2
15 Focus 5 yd range
Instant 5 sec cooldown
Requires level 15
Cower, causing no damage but lowering your [pets] threat, making the enemy less likely to attack you[r pet].

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
3Mountain Cougar Mulgore2.0noneYes
7 - 8Flatland Cougar Mulgore2.0Cower 1Yes
9Flatland Prowler Mulgore2.0noneYes
9Savannah Cub The Barrens1.2Cower 1Yes
11 - 12Savannah Huntress The Barrens1.5noneYes
17 - 18Savannah Matriarch The Barrens1.7noneYes
23 - 24Starving Mountain Lion Hillsbrad Foothills1.2Cower 2Yes
27 - 28Feral Mountain Lion Hillsbrad Foothills1.2Cower 3Yes
27 - 28Needles Cougar Thousand Needles1.2noneYes
32 - 33Mountain Lion Alterac Mountains1.4Prowl 1Yes
33 - 34Hulking Mountain Lion Alterac Mountains1.4noneYes
37Broken Tooth Special Pet!Badlands1.0Dash 1Yes