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Carrion Lurker

Level 52 - 53 Spider from Western Plaguelands

Available Spells:







Level: Classification: Pet Family: Location: tameable Health: Armor: Damage: Attackspeed: DPS:

Before Taming:

52 - 53 Non-Elite Pet Spider Western Plaguelands
3048 - 3161 3136 89 - 111 2.00 50.00

After Taming:

          2371 - 2453 3298 - 3357 83 - 108 2.00 47.75

Level 60:

          3052 4014 96 - 123 2.00 54.75
Skills when tamed:

Identical looking pets

LevelNameLocationAttackspeedSkills when tamedtameable
12Lady SathrahCaster! Teldrassil2.0Bite 2Yes
20 - 21Wildthorn Stalker Ashenvale2.0noneYes
24Creepthess Hillsbrad Foothills2.0Bite 3Yes
25Shanda the Spinner Loch Modan2.0Bite 3Yes
28 - 29Wildthorn Lurker Ashenvale2.0Bite 4Yes
32 - 33Plains Creeper Arathi Highlands2.0Bite 5Yes
35 - 36Giant Plains Creeper Arathi Highlands2.0Bite 5Yes
52 - 53Carrion Lurker Western Plaguelands2.0noneYes
57Gretheer Silithus1.2noneYes